To Kiss The Hind Quaters Well, is to Know On What Side The Bread Is Butt ered
If you get to be part of administration at one organization, they'll pass you around like dice. This insures that those in Hawaii who know how to play the game will always find a cushy seat somewhere in Hawaii.
For Monday, January 19, 2009
By Star-Bulletin Staff and News Services
Civil-rights group hands out awards
The Hawaii Friends of Civil Rights is honoring Maya Soetoro-Ng, half sister of President-elect Barack Obama, and three others for their commitment to civil rights and the legacy=2 0of Martin Luther King Jr.
Soetoro-Ng, a schoolteacher, will be recognized Sunday for her efforts to promote multiculturalism and racial inclusion during Obama's campaign. Also being honored are:
» Bob Nash, head basketball coach at the University of Hawaii, for his consistent support of racial, ethnic and gender diversity.
» Kat Brady, chairwoman of the Honolulu County Committee on the Status of Women and coordinator of the Community Alliance on Prisons.
» The African American Lawyers Association, which advocates for justice and combats negative stereotypes of minorities.
The awards event in downtown Honolulu is sold out, and no more reservations are being taken, according to Faye Kennedy, co-chairwoman of the Friends of Civil Rights
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